An Effort to Organize the Unorganized Industry

The story which I’m going to share with you today is not a new one, you are probably already aware of this story. But the motto behind sharing this story is different and very genuine. Undoubtedly, the story of construction market is old, but I am going to focus on the way it works, the culture it has gone through and how gradually it has changed.
No company can rise in just one day, it takes the hard work of months and years to establish a company as a successful figure from scratch & it was the extensive market research and hard work of team Apkainterior who studied the working statistics of the construction and building industry and found reasons to start the one and only online platform for Construction and Home Decor material Apkainterior. Our team conducted a thorough research of the market and found that it is highly imbalanced.
It is strange, but it’s true that the market of building and construction industry is still unorganised. It does not have a fixed structure, parameters of working and its strategies are not firm, it does not maintain an equilibrium in the working culture and economic strategy.
The initiative to organize the industry could have been taken by anyone, but Apka Interior is the first one to take this step to re-structure the construction industry in a genuine way by launching our online shop Apkainterior.
Nothing can be launched in a single day and the same is the story of our team who researched every minute detail, the way the industry works, economic equations, etc, and then, we came up with Apkainterior
Apkainterior is going to be the one and only platform to connect the Vendors and Customers. It is going to organize the unorganized building and decor industry. The imagination of our team is going to give something meaningful and fruitful to everyone and we think that it would come out as a magnificent outcome. Apkainterior is trying to ignite the culture of an organised way of working and people will be able to shop from their own cozy dwelling.
“Let’s change the way India shops for interior”